Tuesday May 07, 2019
VoteRunLead: Just Do It!
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Record numbers of women in the USA, particularly young women are running for and winning elected political office. An unprecedented number of women -- SIX -- are currently running for president, and there are now 127 women in the U.S. Congress -- 25 in the Senate and 102 in the House, nearly 25%. Better, but nowhere close to equal representation for female citizens. And the numbers of Republican women in national office, meager as they have been, are getting worse. VoteRunLead is a bi-partisan organization training thousands of women to master the political skills needed to run for office and run campaigns. We talk with VoteRunLead alums from both sides of the political aisle: Heather Barmore and Tina Barton.